Note: All pages have samples on them.
Series: The Evaran Chronicles | The Evaran Chronicles II | Earthborn | The Inspector Dalton Files
Prequel Image


Mar 20, 2016


The Evaran Chronicles Prequel

Jake Melkins is a few months away from turning twenty-one. By the Seceltor Empire’s laws, he will have to go to a breeding camp, or directly into slavery. Neither choice appeals to him. All this changes with the arrival of a space-and-time-traveling being known as Evaran at the space station turned rest stop that Jake lives on.

To make things complicated, Greecho, the slaver who abducted Jake as a kid, has arrived at the station. He and his crew, along with his twenty-two-year-old human pet, Kathy, are about to go on a slave run to Earth.

Evaran has decided to interfere and free Jake and Kathy. That decision will lead him to Earth, where he will need to deal with the consequences.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Google Play | Kobo | Barnes and Noble | Scribd | Smashwords | 24 Symbols | Inktera

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

It's available for free to newsletter subscribers. If interested, click here.

Prequel Image

1st - Sep 7, 2015
2nd - Sep 28,2018


Book 1 Of The Evaran Chronicles

What happens when a space and time traveler interferes with an alien abduction?

Dr. Albert Snowden just wanted to take care of his niece, Emily. The last thing he expected was to end up in a virtual simulation on a damaged alien ship in another galaxy one year into the future. Unfortunately, the ship’s power is failing, releasing apex predators that were captured by the aliens.

Enter Evaran, a space and time traveler, and V, his trusty mobile artificial intelligence, who help those in need. They decide to interfere and help Dr. Snowden and Emily, along with two other humans who were also abducted.

In addition to all that, Jerzan Graduul, leader of the Bloodbore mercenary pack, has boarded the ship in search of potential salvaging opportunities. Evaran and friends will try to reach Evaran’s ship while dealing with the Bloodbores and apex predators.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Fredorian Destiny Image

Dec 7, 2015


Book 2 Of The Evaran Chronicles

The timeline is wrong. This is discovered when Dr. Albert Snowden and his niece, Emily, travel with Evaran to a galactic cultural exhibition event on Kreagus, the capital home world of the Kreagan Star Empire and galactic superpower near Earth. The Fredorians should be presenting an ancient artifact, known as the Arkaron, to the Kreagan emperor. The problem is they aren’t. Evaran has decided to step in and help the Fredorians achieve their destiny while stabilizing the timeline.

They must find the three lost Arkaron crystals in order to assemble the Arkaron. To make matters worse, Seeros, a powerful industrialist, has a bounty on their heads, causing bounty hunters to harass them each step of the way.

As if that weren’t enough, an unknown faction is hiring freelance mercenaries to hunt them down as well. Evaran is joined by others, and together, they will have to navigate these perils to assemble the Arkaron and achieve the Fredorian destiny.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | Scribd | Inktera

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Purification Image

Jul 24, 2016


Book 3 Of The Evaran Chronicles

The past has changed, and the timeline has been updated.

Dr. Albert Snowden and his niece, Emily, experience this while traveling on Evaran’s temporally shielded space-and-time-traveling ship. What they discover is that humanity has taken a different path, one that has made Evaran decide to interfere and change human history.

Discovering what caused the update is one issue. Dealing with the nonhuman factions in Earth’s past is another.

To make things worse, Dr. Snowden has to deal with a personal matter. It does not help that Emily is on a prison planet where she must survive, alone. Evaran, along with some new allies, must deal with both of their problems on top of an age-old enemy.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | Scribd | Inktera

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Time Refugee Image

Nov 29, 2016


Book 4 Of The Evaran Chronicles

In the year 3104, United Planets Agent Jane Trellis finds new hope in cracking the illegal augment trade when time travelers Dr. Albert Snowden; his niece, Emily; V; and Evaran arrive at Roeth, a planet 740 light-years away from Earth.

With Jane’s new allies, she can finally check out the Dyson bubble that is under quarantine. On a personal note, she hopes to discover more about how her husband died while working there.

Experiencing timeline changes, meeting multiple timeline versions of people, rooting out a timeline anomaly, and facing off against a timeline threat were not things Jane had envisioned herself ever doing, yet she finds herself in the middle of all those issues. Becoming a time refugee was definitely not on her list of things to do.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | Scribd | Inktera

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Evaran Origin Image

May 16, 2017


Book 5 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Thoughts can take on physical form.

Dr. Albert Snowden and his niece, Emily, never thought they would be able to travel through space and time. Or out of the timeline. Or out of the universe. Or even out of the plane that houses universes.

Yet that is where they find themselves while exploring the origin of Evaran, the mysterious being who rescued them from an alien abduction six months ago. Having to deal with the fact that they are part of a time loop that has not yet been fulfilled is one issue. Learning of another version of Evaran who needs their help in a parallel universe is an additional problem.

Hampering their efforts along the way are the Time Wardens, a hideously intelligent race from the timeline void, who relentlessly hunt any time traveler. Evaran and crew, along with new allies, will try to help the other Evaran while dealing with the Time Wardens and other threats.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Amazon - UK | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Shadow Connection Image

Oct 7, 2017


Book 6 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Dr. Albert Snowden and his niece, Emily, are back on Earth after six months of traveling through space, time, and beyond with Evaran, the mysterious stranger who rescued them from an alien abduction. They were expecting to get some peace and quiet after the hectic nature of some of their previous adventures. However, things get complicated when Evaran’s ship, the Torvatta, is stolen.

To make matters worse, Dr. Snowden has to deal with the near-death experience from a recent event. He and Emily must also adjust to the new side effects of their nanobots, which were enhanced prior to going back to Earth. As they look for the Torvatta, they must also deal with a rogue faction of the Helians, the group that represents Earth from a galactic perspective.

Evaran will call upon old and new friends within the nonhuman world to deal with the defected Helian sect. What they find drags Evaran and his new allies deeper into a global event that has timeline implications.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Human Factor Image

Apr 25, 2018


Book 7 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Humanity wears many faces.

Evaran and his time-traveling companions head to the year AD 10105 and over eighty thousand light-years from Earth, where they discover that humans are not where they are supposed to be. Humanity is also not what Evaran knows it should be, from a timeline perspective.

Humankind has splintered into multiple factions. To make matters worse, one of the factions is led by Salazar, an artificial intelligence dedicated to protecting its version of humanity . . . at all costs.

Adding to the confusion is the presence of others who should not be where they are. Evaran and crew will meet old friends and new allies while trying to determine what happened and how to fix it.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Cosmoc Parallel Image

Aug 22, 2018


Book 8 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Not all prey is the same.

Dr. Albert Snowden just wanted to see a parallel timeline where Neanderthals were the dominant species on Earth. What he did not expect was a barren world. While investigating what happened, he, Evaran, Emily Snowden, and V are pulled into a trap created by a mysterious group.

One issue is that the trap forces the group to jump to parallel Earths. Another problem is that the Torvatta, Evaran’s ship, is out of the picture. It does not help that the cosmic-energy-enhanced nanobots in Dr. Snowden and Emily are not working as intended.

To make matters worse, each jump to a new parallel Earth weakens them. Along the way, they meet Jelton Stallryn, a Rift Guardian, who has also fallen into the trap. Together, they will fight to escape and then track down the mysterious group responsible.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Unification Image

Jun 22, 2019


Book 9 Of The Evaran Chronicles

The future sometimes needs help.

Evaran and the gang receive a summons to AD 514,723, approximately two hundred years before Earth is repopulated and becomes the seat of a galaxy-spanning empire. The problem is that the process has not been started on Earth.

To make matters worse, a threat from beyond this reality has been attacking the galaxy. Evaran and crew meet the Orions, an advanced civilization that has also been a victim of this new threat.

Evaran and crew are joined by Dr. James Bryson and Kess, an Orion. Together, they will need to deal with this threat and kick-start the unification of humanity with Earth as the center.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Portal Effect Image

Dec 8, 2019


Book 10 Of The Evaran Chronicles

The past can be the future.

Dr. Albert Snowden enjoys traveling through time, but not when Ziekah, a timeline-traveling foe, sends him into the past against his will. Emily and V encounter Ziekah as well, leaving Evaran alone to determine where they were sent.

Ziekah’s crafty and she knows temporal mechanics well. She’s also ruthless, leaving altered timelines in her wake.

With the gang scattered through time, Evaran calls on old friends Jake Melkins and Jelton Stallryn, a Rift Guardian. Together, they will need to find the others while dealing with Ziekah and her timeline alterations.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Time Cube Image

Jun 21, 2020


Book 11 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Time can be a filter.

Evaran and the gang travel to a galaxy in the Horologium-Reticulum Supercluster in AD 801,699 to deal with not one summons, as they usually do, but two that are related to each other. The retrieval of Dalton Kingston is one summons, and the second is a day ahead to a ship a few light years away.

The problem is that the summonses lead the gang into the Tenagrin Hegemony, a brutal empire run by the Tenagrins, a snake-like species who have advanced far beyond their natural technological evolution. Another issue is they also want to retrieve Dalton Kingston and have a vested interest in the second summons.

Kess, from a previous adventure, joins up for this outing, and with some new allies, they will need to deal with not only the summonses but the Tenagrin Hegemony and a galactic region that fears humanoids.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Barnes and Noble | Google Play | Smashwords | Apple | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Time Cube Image

Jun 21, 2020


Book 12 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Even cosmic beings need help sometimes.

Evaran and the gang travel to another universe to investigate something that should not have happened. What they find embroils them in a cosmic conflict. Although they’re happy to meet Sivaran, another one of Evaran’s plane forms, the situation is not good.

One problem is that Wardax, the supreme ruler of the Zayt Empire, has been sweeping across the galaxy with his enforcers and infected swarms. His assimilation has enveloped thousands of worlds, but he has also destroyed others, such as Drydris, the home planet of the ancient vampires.

Another version of Lord Vygon joins up for this outing, as does Q, Sivaran’s AI companion. The gang will need to not only deal with Wardax but also restore the galactic balance of power.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Google Play | Kobo | Smashwords | Scribd -->

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Cosmic Artifact Image

Aug 25, 2021


Book 13 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Universal breaches are usually not a good thing.

Evaran and the gang deal with an event that changes Earth’s history. While investigating it, they come across the mention of a cosmic artifact. No one seems to know where it is or what it does other than it existed at one point.

One problem is that the cosmic artifact has been linked to the Gothlics, a brutal group that delights in torturing and killing anything they can get their hands on. They appear and mutilate everything, then disappear without a trace.

Another issue is that something has punched a hole in the universe. The Eight, a group of Palisin energy beings who oversee a federation with over a million civilizations, offer Murukhan, a half-Palisin alien, and his team the chance to join up with the gang to stop the Gothlics’ threat and find the cosmic artifact.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Google Play | Smashwords | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Cosmic Artifact Image

Apr 2, 2022


Book 14 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Faith in Evaran can take on many forms.

Evaran and the gang get a summons to find Sazrissa Mortalka in the year 26,491 AD on Earth and to aid her in her cause. Dravell Zhage, along with Syr, his AI companion, and CC, Dravell’s cosmic cloth, also get a summons to do the same, then bring Sazrissa back to his Torvatta. Unfortunately, neither group has met each other before

Another problem is that the Evaranites, a cult that follows Evaran, are hunting Sazrissa. They are a brutal organization that deals in illegal cloned digital consciousnesses and a variety of other trades. One concern is that the Evaranites were founded based on an event with a future Evaran, and Prime Arbiter Frenev, the Evaranites’ leader, says Evaran speaks through him. The Evaranites use faith in Evaran as a weapon.

Navigating the advanced era with a variety of factions is problematic, but doing so against a well-established cult with a presence on many worlds is challenging. Dravell Zhage, Sazrissa Mortalka, Syr, and CC join up with Evaran and the gang to take down the cult and to stop their advancement across the stars using Evaran’s name.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Google Play | Smashwords | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Cosmic Artifact Image

Feb 23, 2023


Book 15 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Your worst enemy is sometimes yourself.

Evaran and the gang travel to the NGC 4696 galaxy in the Centarus cluster, a part of the Hydra-Centarus supercluster, to deal with a summons. The world they arrive at is under a dimensional invasion by brood-like creatures. However, there is something of high value to the gang there, and they drop in to investigate.

What they find will lead them to Keloton, city-ship and home of the Hoxscarus. One problem is that Evaran is being hunted, and Keloton suffers the impact of that. Another issue is that the Hoxscarus the gang knows are not the same as the ones in Keloton.

Not only does the gang need to deal with this new threat, the Time Wardens have also entered the picture. Pozarra, a powerful representative of the Hoxscarus, joins up with Evaran and the gang to deal with all the threats and to stop a powerful time-traveling enemy from rewriting history in this final book of the series.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Google Play | Smashwords | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Evaran Chronicles Box Set: Books 1-3 Image

Nov 2, 2016


Books 1-3 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Reality is sometimes not what it appears to be.

Dr. Albert Snowden just wanted to be there for his niece, Emily, after the loss of her father. Being abducted by aliens, and then rescued by a mysterious being known as Evaran, has made that difficult. Despite their situation, they try to make the best of it while traveling through space, time, and beyond with Evaran and V, Evaran's trusty mobile artificial intelligence. With the use of Evaran’s time-traveling ship, the Torvatta, they will try to maintain timeline integrity while dealing with the challenges that brings.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | Scribd | Inktera

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Evaran Chronicles Box Set: Books 4-6 Image

Sep 23, 2018


Books 4-6 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Not everything is what it appears to be.

Dr. Albert Snowden and his niece, Emily, continue their space-and-time-traveling adventures with Evaran and V. From the far reaches of Roeth, to a parallel universe, and then back to Earth, Evaran and crew try to maintain timeline integrity while dealing with the challenges that brings.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | Scribd | 24 Symbols

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Evaran Chronicles Box Set: Books 7-9 Image

Sep 5, 2020


Books 7-9 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Threats can come from anywhere.

Dr. Albert Snowden and his niece, Emily, continue their space-and-time-traveling adventures with Evaran and V. They'll deal with an alternate timeline threat, an extrauniversal one, and a subverse entity while trying to maintain timeline integrity. Along the way they'll meet new allies, some who will become intertwined in Dr. Snowden and Emily's life.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Scribd | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Evaran Chronicles Box Set: Books 10-12 Image

Jun 19, 2021


Books 10-12 Of The Evaran Chronicles

Helping others can yield unexpected surprises.

Dr. Albert Snowden and his niece, Emily, continue their space-and-time-traveling adventures with Evaran and V. They'll deal with a reckless time traveler, a galactic empire that has progressed more than it should have, and a rogue cosmic entity while trying to maintain timeline integrity. Along the way, they'll meet new allies, in particular one that was chosen by the Torvatta.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Scribd | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Evaran Chronicles Box Set: Books 10-12 Image

Dec 9, 2023


Books 13-15 Of The Evaran Chronicles

An end can also be a beginning.

Dr. Albert Snowden and his niece, Emily, continue their space-and-time-traveling adventures with Evaran and V. They'll deal with a cosmic artifact, a dangerous cult that has twisted Evaran's ideals, and an enemy that causes Evaran to look in the mirror, all while trying to maintain timeline integrity. Along the way, they'll meet new allies, in particular several that were chosen by the Torvatta.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Everand | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Note: All pages have samples on them.
Series: The Evaran Chronicles | The Evaran Chronicles II | Earthborn | The Inspector Dalton Files
The Lost Ship Image

Feb 23, 2023


The Evaran Chronicles II Prequel

Sometimes it’s better to be quiet in a galactic forest.

Captain Herix Trellis just wanted to command the UPS Alpaca, not fight to the death against a vicious reptilian alien species known as the Gorkeens. One year after crash-landing on an unknown planet and with his crew dispersed, there isn’t much hope of a rescue.

One issue is they got there by a portal they couldn’t avoid, and now they have no idea where they are or when. Another problem is that over half the crew has been enslaved and used for food. It also doesn’t help that another third of the crew escaped and has not been heard from since.

Enter Evaran and M, two cosmic beings who travel through space, time, and beyond to help those in need. They, along with Herix and his group, need to rescue the other human survivors and bring justice to the Gorkeens while also navigating galactic politics.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Google Play | Smashwords | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Rift Impact Image

Feb 10, 2024


Book 1 of The Evaran Chronicles II

When everything appears hopeless, sometimes all you need is a cosmic helping hand.

Dylan Townsend didn’t expect to spend his twenty-second birthday on an alien moon in the Andromeda galaxy along with Isaac Barret, and Dr. Kate Minter. They have no idea how they were transported from Earth to an alien world and then put in quarantine. They’ve lost hope of being rescued and have resigned themselves to spending the rest of their lives on the moon.

The Systral Empire, which captured the humans, has a bigger issue to deal with. A star entity orbits their sun and is growing, blocking out all sunlight. All attempts to remove it have failed. This would impact the moon the humans are on first. Another concern is that portals are opening on Varlon, their home world, and depositing strange aliens.

Enter Evaran and M, two cosmic beings who travel through space, time, and beyond to help those in need. They, along with the Systrals and humans, will have their hands full with all the problems and deeper threats that have yet to reveal themselves. And the Systral Empire’s very existence is at stake.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Amazon - UK | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Evarand | Google Play | Kobo | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands |

The Cosmic Link Image

Aug 11, 2024


Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II

From cosmic destruction comes cosmic justice.

Dylan Townsend, Isaac Barret, and Dr. Kate Minter get to travel on their first summons across space and time with Evaran and M. The trip will take them to the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy in 40,322 AD, where they encounter a mystery with many moving parts.

The United Star Federation, or USF, is a human empire still healing from the aftermath of a visit by Antion, another cosmic being who killed the first Evaran’s gang. Antion murdered trillions of humans and shattered the USF into a loose coalition of eighty-one planetary system states. And they’re losing on all fronts.

Evaran and the gang decide to help the USF, but they’ve crossed the powerful Krellic United Corporation, or KUC, led by Azaric Krenzel, who wants the USF for himself. In order to save the USF, the gang will need to enlist allies from far and wide, such as a sentient planet and a machine race known as the Tellzik Ascendancy, which is unofficially at war with the KUC.

If they fail, then the USF is doomed.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Amazon - UK | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Evarand | Google Play | Kobo | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands

Note: All pages have samples on them.
Series: The Evaran Chronicles | The Evaran Chronicles II | Earthborn | The Inspector Dalton Files
Freelancing Image

Jan 21, 2018


The Earthborn Prequel

Freelancing in galactic space is hazardous to your health, unless you’re Blake Brown, a four-hundred-plus-year-old vampire exiled from Earth. After serving as an intelligence agent in the Fredorian Rangers for twenty years, he has his sights set on trying out the mercenary bounty system with his abductee brother, Seth Williams.

It’s one thing to find a bounty or contract they can attempt with so little to their name. Fulfilling it is another. Starting off small, they take a simple contract to retrieve a stolen ship. The problem is the thief is Alcarez, a mad cyborg with a small army.

Finding Alcarez will be an issue, but doing so with minimal equipment comes with its own set of concerns. Despite these challenges, Blake and Seth will show the freelancing community what Earthborn can do.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Google Play | Kobo | Barnes and Noble | Scribd | Smashwords | 24 Symbols

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

It's available for free to newsletter subscribers. If interested, click here.

Freelancing Image

Jan 21, 2018


Book 1 Of The Earthborn

Don’t discount those from Earth

Two years of freelancing in the galactic bounty system has taken its toll on Blake Brown, a four-hundred-plus-year-old vampire exiled from Earth. Along with his partner in crime, Seth Williams, Blake decides to call it quits. However, a new opportunity arises, one that comes from the highest authority of Fredoria, the home world of human refugees that were abducted from Earth.

Forming a team to rise to this new challenge is one hurdle. Figuring out how to capture and retrieve Delkis, a known criminal, is another. To make matters worse, Delkis has a powerful crime syndicate backing him.

Blake and crew will show the galactic community what an Earthborn team can do when given the resources to do it.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Google Play | Kobo | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Freelancing Image

May 25, 2018


Book 2 of the Earthborn

There is always something scarier out there

After a successful first mission and a month off, Blake Brown and crew head out on a new mission to the remote Zolidack system. A classified research facility has been sighted with the presence of illegal cargo that relates to what they found on their previous mission.

The problem is the system is controlled by the Fredorian Defense Force, a group who dislikes Earthborn of any stripe. The facility is operated by the Dorostatic Initiatives Corporation, which is recovering from a genetic engineering scandal and hates any government intrusion, Earthborn or not.

Getting to the facility is one challenge. Dealing with a new crew problem while doing it is another. To make matters worse, brutal, bug-like Rogundan mercenary slavers have been spotted in the system.

Blake and crew will do all they can to investigate the facility while navigating both internal and external threats. If there’s one thing Earthborn can do well, it’s adapt, and Blake and crew will show everyone how it’s done.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Google Play | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | 24 Symbols | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Rimworlds Image

Feb 16, 2019


Book 3 of the Earthborn

Never assume Earthborn are easy prey.

Citizens of rimworld cities have gone missing, and no one knows why. Blake and his crew are assigned to discover what is going on and who is behind the disappearances. Like previous missions, this will lead them to dangerous locations as they gather information and encounter new allies and enemies.

The Saskarin threat has escalated since Blake and the crew’s second mission at Hadrassus and the bounties on each crew member have gone up significantly.

Blake and his crew must navigate those dangers while trying to not only find the missing citizens but also to stop whoever is abducting them. Being Earthborn is not easy, and Blake and his crew will show what happens when you mess with them.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Google Play | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Rimworlds Image

Sep 3, 2019


Book 4 of the Earthborn

Underestimate Earthborn at your own peril.

The Exceltion crew has been tasked with finding Bothan, a presidential guard commander, and his crew. The problem is that Blake Brown is missing.

To make matters worse, the Saskarin-controlled Shulon fleet has abandoned their empire to protect the remote Jeezarus system. Not only does the Exceltion crew need to find out what’s going on there, but they also need to find Blake.

The crew will have to adapt to new roles to locate Bothan and Blake while dealing with the Saskarins. One thing is for sure: never underestimate Earthborn.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Redemption Image

Mar 3, 2020


Book 5 of the Earthborn

Sometimes a situation needs Earthborn.

With over half of the Fredorian Senate missing, Blake and the Exceltion crew are called to duty. Tasked with finding the senators, they will need every advantage they can get. It doesn’t help that Fredorian leaders Andia Kiggs and Rakar Ho Jador are among those who disappeared.

To make matters worse, the Saskarins have incited a Fredorian civil war. Fighting Saskarins is one thing, but fighting Saskarin-controlled Fredorians on Fredoria is another.

The crew will be pushed to their limits to find the missing people while dealing with the Saskarins at every turn. The situation requires unorthodox thinking—something Earthborn excel at. Although Earthborn are often looked down upon, redemption is at hand.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Google Play | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Rimworlds Image

Feb 22, 2020


Books 1-3 of the Earthborn

Earthborn don’t mess around.

Blake Brown and crew set out on missions to deal with an unknown threat that seems to grow bigger the more they investigate. From the ecumenopolis of Zakara Prime to rimworlds, Blake and crew will need to adapt to evolving situations.

This box set contains the first, second, and third books in the Earthborn series. If you like science fiction, technology, and gritty space opera adventures, then this series is for you.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Google Play | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Note: All pages have samples on them.
Series: The Evaran Chronicles | The Evaran Chronicles II | Earthborn | The Inspector Dalton Files
Transition Image

Apr 20, 2020


The Inspector Dalton Files Prequel

The end of a journey can be the beginning of a new one.

Inspector Dalton Kingston, Earth Ward, has received his first solo case…on this Earth. As an evolved human with advanced technology who has traveled across timelines with a powerful being, Dalton has a head start on solving this case. Joining him is Evot, his shapeshifting AI, whose cat and crow forms aid him in his investigations. The problem is he has only been on this Earth for a month and he is still learning how everything works.

Something has disrupted technological systems in Clarksville, Indiana. One issue is the local Earth Ward safe house was impacted. Another is that Clarksville is a Faith Militia hotbed with a high number of nonhuman deaths.

Discovering the cause of the blackouts while coming to grips with this Earth’s culture and various power factions is a new challenge for Dalton. Despite that, he will do what he does best—investigate.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Barnes and Noble | Google Play | Smashwords | 24 Symbols

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

It's available for free to newsletter subscribers. If interested, click here.

Otherworld Image

Aug 20, 2020


Book 1 of The Inspector Dalton Files

Investigating cases can be hard, especially when they involve another world.

Earth Ward Inspector Dalton Kingston’s cases have been getting harder since his arrival to this Earth six months ago. They’re taking a physical toll on him. Forming a team is not only a good idea, but it will help him address his next case.

A rash of murders and disappearances in Southern Ohio normally would not be something he investigated. However, when it’s the Tanner Pack, a vicious weregang, making the request for help, that’s another story.

Dealing with the case is one issue, but doing it with a new team is a challenge unto itself. They must navigate a powder keg of various factions and solve the case or risk losing a potential new Earth Ward ally. Dalton finds himself in a familiar role and providing what comes naturally to him—leadership.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Google Play | Apple | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | Scribd

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Otherworld Image

Mar 31, 2021


Book 2 of The Inspector Dalton Files

Killing Dalton’s friend is not the way to get his attention.

Strange events bring Earth Ward Inspector Dalton Kingston and his team to southern Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Unfortunately, it’s to investigate the murder of his friend: Earth Ward Inspector Sean Chalmers and his team.

One concern is that everything points to Lightville, a lightmire stronghold. Lightmires are nonhumans who eat diseases and heal people, are natural enemies of vampires, and typically do not involve themselves in events. Now they’re at the center of a murder investigation.

Another issue is that Sean’s team had been investigating strange occurrences, and his notes on the case were stolen.

The nonhuman world’s eyes are on Dalton’s team, and the Earth Ward’s reputation is at stake. Dalton will do what he’s always done and rise to the occasion, displaying one of his core attributes—resilience.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Kobo | Apple | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Greekland Image

Oct 2, 2021


Book 3 Of The Inspector Dalton Files

Even the gods need help sometimes.

Zeus, a high-ranking member of the Imperium, has asked Inspector Dalton Kingston, Earth Ward, for help. As the Imperium, a group of legendary characters and old gods from many pantheons, is a member of the Earth Ward, Dalton and team agree.

The problem is Ares, who is on probation, has skipped out to a parallel Earth. No one knows where he is over there. An Earth Ward response team that was sent over never returned. Another issue is that the parallel Earth is similar to the 1950s era. The team will need to be careful not to cause any changes.

If Ares is not returned, it will set a dangerous precedent that jumping to a parallel Earth is a valid option to escape Earth Ward justice. Dalton will show why he has been successful in tracking down fugitives by utilizing one of his strongest attributes—persistence.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | Kobo | Scribd | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Shadowverse Image

Jun 2, 2022


Book 4 of The Inspector Dalton Files

Shadows are not always defined by light.

A periodic sweep of advanced technology on Earth has revealed unusual activity. The Earth Ward sends Dalton’s team to investigate, which leads them to the source. The problem is the source is in the Quadrangle, an area in southwestern Colorado that consists of four major cities and is a hotbed of nonhuman activity.

Another problem is dealing with the various nonhuman factions. Some have requested the team’s help, while others are outright hostile. Dalton and his team will need to navigate that as they perform their investigation.

Relations with the Earth Ward in the Quadrangle have been tenuous, and how the Earth Ward responds when multiple issues are on the line is in question. Dalton will show why he continues to be a top investigator, even when things don’t go his way, by displaying one of his core traits—tenacity.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | Kobo | Scribd | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

Wildblood Image

Jun 5, 2023


Book 5 of The Inspector Dalton Files

Chaos sometimes needs a guiding hand.

Wildblood, a new drug, has swept Los Angeles. The Earth Ward and local law enforcement have no idea where it came from or all of its impacts other than it makes Outsiders shift in public. The nonhuman masquerade can’t be violated, and the growing Wildblood epidemic is getting out of control.

Enter Earth Ward Inspector Dalton Kingston and his team. One problem is navigating LA, which is a hotbed of nonhuman activity. Another issue is that federal agencies aren’t on good terms with the Imperium branch that runs LA. Although the Aztec pantheon controls that branch, they’ve been ostracized by human agencies.

At stake is revealing nonhumans to the world. The few humans who are exposed become wisened, but a massive breakdown in the masquerade would be chaos. Dalton must show why he continues to be sought after for his skills and power, even when the going gets tough, by showing one of his core traits—strength.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | Kobo | Scribd | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom

The Inspector Dalton Files Box Set 1 Image

Jun 2, 2022

The Inspector Dalton Files Box Set: Prequel and Books I-III

Prequel and Books I-III

Fantastical cases sometimes need a technological touch..

Inspector Dalton Kingston is the most evolved human on Earth. Although he is from another timeline, he brings with him his investigative skills and advanced technology to handle strange cases for the Earth Ward, the nonhuman organization that watches over Earth from the shadows. In this Box Set, he will deal with unexplained regional blackouts, dimensional and timeline invaders, nonhuman politics, and even rogue gods.

Where to Buy

Major Retailers: Amazon - US | Apple | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | Kobo | Scribd | Smashwords

Amazon stores: Australia | Brazil | Canada | Estonia | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | United Kingdom