I know some don't use Facebook, so this page is meant to keep everyone in the loop regardless if they use Facebook or not. I'm active there and post every couple of days, or try to! You can click on the "Posted On" next to the avatar in any post to go to the link on Facebook.

Wednesday Update Time!

- I've revised 15/27 chapters of The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II. Everything is going good so far!

- I hit 22k words on Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files, and caught up on 8 scenes worth of chronology. The team has met with the Earth Ward members that are now Dragonites, and the next step is to meet Anakruxis, the creator of the Varsheer and Dragonity founder.

I hope your week is going well!

I hope you have a great Monday and rest of week!

Sunday Update Time!

- I've revised 8/27 chapters of The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II. I'll have another redundancy pass on some words when the main revision is done. I have about two weeks before proofread!

- I hit 21k words on Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files. Dalton and team have crossed over to an advanced parallel Earth and spotted a few dragons! Brad gets flashbacks to the cyberpunk world he crossed over from while Todd, Rick, and Valerie are soaking in their first technologically advanced city. With Dragons. Well, they're actually elder Varsheen aliens with Torgold exotic energy!

I hope your weekend is going well!

The blurb for The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II:

From cosmic destruction comes cosmic justice.

Dylan Townsend, Isaac Barret, and Dr. Kate Minter get to travel on their first summons across space and time with Evaran and M. The trip will take them to the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy in 40,322 AD, where they encounter a mystery with many moving parts.

The United Star Federation, or USF, is a human empire still healing from the aftermath of a visit by Antion, another cosmic being who killed the first Evaran’s gang. Antion murdered trillions of humans and shattered the USF into a loose coalition of eighty-one planetary system states. And they’re losing on all fronts.

Evaran and the gang decide to help the USF, but they’ve crossed the powerful Krellic United Corporation, or KUC, led by Azaric Krenzel, who wants the USF for himself. In order to save the USF, the gang will need to enlist allies from far and wide, such as a sentient planet and a machine race known as the Tellzik Ascendancy, which is unofficially at war with the KUC.

If they fail, then the USF is doomed.

Wednesday Update Time!

- I got my edited manuscript for The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II, back from Miranda Miller, my editor. I've already revised the front/back matter, blurb, prologue, and chapter 1, so 26 more chapters to revise! This goes to my proofreader on August 5th.

- I hit 18k on Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton files. Dalton and team have stepped into a parallel Earth to view the Dragonite's advanced version of Earth.

- I got an update from Michael and his schedule has changed too much to get the audiobook for Rimworlds, Book 3 of the Earthborn, done this month. The audiobook for The Cosmic Link is scheduled for next month, so that means Rimworlds will be sometime in the Fall.

I hope your week is going well!

I hope you have a great Monday and rest of week!

Sunday Update Time!

I hit 16k words on Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files. Dalton met with Lord Vygon and the Protectors while Brad and Evot have a deep conversation. Todd, Rick, and Valerie spent a night on the roof, and now the team is at an Earth Ward outpost in a forested area in the Andes Mountains. I initially had them in Chile, but changed it to Peru.

Valerie gets a chilly reception from the Kuntir tribe, a group of Outsiders that have forms related to the species in the area. They man the outpost which is the last structure before the Dragonite portal. The team also meets Pacha Mama of the Incan pantheon to get an idea of what they're dealing with in regard to the Dragonites.

I hope your weekend is going well!

The Torvatta flying toward a crashed ship made it into this gallery of awesome gallery of landscapes done by Tom Edwards Design!

Wednesday Update Time!

I hit 13k on Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files. Dalton and team have resolved the brawl outside the Dragonity church and went back to base to rest up before their trip to Chile the next day. However, Lord Vygon has invited Dalton to stop in and meet The Protectors, one of Lord Vygon's side projects. They are a specialized global rapid-response group meant to handle threats that the regular units can't handle. Lord Vygon handpicked the team, and he wants them to meet a cosmic being. Evaran would have, but he's hard to get a hold of in general. The Protectors are now an officially sanctioned Earth Ward unit.

While Dalton is the most powerful being on Earth when Evaran isn't there, he leads an investigative team. However, he has been involved in major operations with the Earth Ward that treat his team like an assault unit. A chapter in The Cosmic Link showcases an example of that. The Protectors are meant to handle that role, and while not as strong as Dalton, they're powerful on their own accord, especially as a team.

I hope your week is going well!

I hope you have a great Monday and rest of week!