I know some don't use Facebook, so this page is meant to keep everyone in the loop regardless if they use Facebook or not. I'm active there and post every couple of days, or try to! You can click on the "Posted On" next to the avatar in any post to go to the link on Facebook.

Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files, is now live!


Evolution is not always straightforward.

Dragonity, a mainly nonhuman religion, has been around for a long time. It’s flown under the radar and has barely over several thousand congregants. They sometimes disappear off the face of the Earth, which becomes an issue when they’re high-ranking Earth Ward members who didn’t go through the Earth Ward exit process.

Enter Earth Ward Inspector Dalton Kingston and his team. They want to locate and talk to the Earth Ward members who left. That’s a lot easier when Anakruxis, the Dragonity god, invites Dalton’s team to where the Earth Ward members are.

However, not everything is as it should be. Dalton will show why he and his team were selected for this situation by showcasing one of their strongest traits—resilience.

Offical Page with all retailer links (Google Play is coming soon): https://www.adairhart.com/series/TheInspectorDaltonFiles/Dragonrealm.aspx

Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files, has been sent to all retailers. It'll take a few days for it to publish, and I'm hoping to get an official post on it by Monday!

I'll update my website locally probably tonight, but my focus for tomorrow will be converting Rogue, Book 4 of The Earthborn, for YouTube.

A busy weekend ahead!

Wednesday Update Time!

- I've finished the first step of the Microsoft Word to eBook conversion for Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files. It'll become an eBook tonight, then I begin my read of it in my Kindle. I'm hoping to get this all sent off to retailers by Saturday then a launch on Monday.

- I completed the audio-proof of Rogue, Book 4 of The Earthborn. I sent my notes to Michael. The next step is to download the updated audio chapters when he makes changes, then it's launch time!

- I hit 29k words on The Galactic Web, Book 3 of The Evaran Chronicles II. The gang has had breakfast and is on their way to meet with Gowldin and Breyarch of the Rift Guardians. Sandas has already met Jelton Stallryn in the first gang's final visit to him in The Final Evolution, Book 15 of The Evaran Chronicles. The gang is eager to meet the Rift Guardians.

- I've started planning for Book 4 of The Evaran Chronicles II. It's at the sketching phase for the moment but will soon move to the high-level outlining phase.

I hope your week is going well!

I hope you have a great Monday and rest of week!

Sunday Update Time!

- I hit 27k on The Galactic Web, Book 3 of The Evaran Chronicles II. Evaran and the gang show Partanas around the Torvatta, then settle into the planar cartography lab to understand where Earth is relative to Holoc. The next day, they'll visit Gowldin and Breyarch at the Rift Guardians HQ!

- Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files, has been sent to Alexis for proofread. I expect it will be back this coming week, then it's launch time!

- I've audio-proofed 16/25 chapters for the audiobook of Rogue, Book 4 of The Earthborn. I plan to be done this week. I really love the way Michael captures certain situations. As an example, Blake Brown being held captive in a tube where he is experimented on, then the lights dim, his blood feed increases, and his tube opens. Michael captures the fear of the alien experimenters as they only hear capsules opening, growling, and something moving fast in the dark.

I hope your weekend has been going well!

Wednesday Update Time!

- I hit 24k on The Galactic Web, Book 3 of The Evaran Chronicles II. I caught up on the chronology and cleaned up a few things up to that point. I did update how Gazjariks were portrayed as well. Partanas Etta Grongto, a Gazjarik Liaison, has joined the gang and meets with them in the conference room over dinner. Evaran comes clean on who they are which shocks Partanas, who was already surprised by dimensional mechanics. Partanas will get a tour of the Torvatta next, then it's off to the meet with the Rift Guardians!

- I've read 18/21 of my final read of Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files. I'm on track to be done with this by February 7.

- I've audio-proofed 9/25 chapters for the audiobook of Rogue, Book 4 of The Earthborn. It's fun listening to the story so far!

I hope your week has been going well!

I hope you have a great Monday and rest of week!

Sunday Update Time!

- I hit 22k on The Galactic Web, Book 3 of The Evaran Chronicles II. Evaran and the gang have a strange altercation in the food court which brings them before the city council. They've agreed to let Evaran and the gang investigate the unusual encounter, provided a Gazjarik accompanies them on their stay.

- I've read 10/21 of my final read of Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files. I plan to be done with this by February 7. It then goes to Alexis, my proofreader, on February 8!

- Michael has been uploading audiobook chapters for Rogue, Book 4 of The Earthborn, to ACX. 14/25 chapters have been uploaded, and I've audio-proofed chapters 1 and 2. I'm hoping for a launch this month!

I hope your weekend has been going well!

Tom Edwards Design with the cover for The Galactic Web, Book 3 of The Evaran Chronicles II, on display!

Wednesday Update Time!

- I hit 19k on The Galactic Web, Book 3 of The Evaran Chronicles II. The gang were given a visit to Plaza 14, the highest one, to view the city of Holoc on the rift crust. They're now in a custom room allowing them to breathe and sample a food court. Things are about to get spicy!

- I'm continuing my final read of Dragonrealm, Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files. I'm on track for the February 8 proofread!

- The pronunciation guide for Rogue, Book 4 of The Earthborn, has been returned by Michael. I've set up the ACX project, so this should begin production this week!

I hope your week is going well!